We are unique in the podcasting world
We are creators of the Latin Podcast Awards, Latin Podcast Academy, and multiple podcasting shows.
Audio and editing
ADN provides all the services related to audio. We can help you create the ads, podcasts or audio files that you need for your business.

Pricing. Podcasting and editing services
ADN Ventures
We work in our business to support the podcasting community!

Show artwork - $99.00 to $199.00 (3rd party propriety)
Use of any elements you want (within iTunes guidelines)
Use of your brand colors (if desired)
Use of your headshot (if desired)
Revisions to get it just right
1400px X 1400px png and jpg files

A to Z Launch $600 + $49.95 or $79.00 per month.
Includes Intro/Outro creation.
Royalty free music.
Hosting and RSS feed setup.
Submission to iTunes and other directories.
Assistance with custom cover art creation.
Assistance with creation Intro, outro, and ad music creation.
Intro, outro, and ad voiceover recording.
Assistance and consulting in the launch of your podcast.
Professional editing, mixing and mastering of episode 00
We will remove umms, repeat words, dead air, and basically make you sound perfect.

Basic mixing $25.00 no time limit on raw audio (No edits)
-It includes mixing, leveling, and mastering, ID3 tagging, adding intros, outros & sponsors, removing background noise, and uploading to your host.
Pro Editing 30: $49.95 up to 30 min of raw audio
-Professional editing, mixing and mastering. At this tier, they will remove umms, repeated words, dead air, and basically make you sound perfect. This can include an interviewee. Is podcasting important to you or your brand? Then this is your level to choose.
Pro Edit 45: $65.00 from 31 to 45 minutes or raw audio
Pro Editing 60: $79.00 from 46 to 60 minutes of raw audio
-Professional editing, mixing and mastering. At this tier, they will remove umms, repeat words, dead air, and basically make you sound perfect.
Is podcasting important to you or your brand? Are your shows regularly or planned to be about an hour? Then this is your level to choose.

Elite editing services is for story telling type podcast, mixing and mastering.
This tier, includes dramatic and/ or mood music, plus sound effects. Then this is your level to choose.
Note: Elite Editing level prices may vary based on number of tracks and on amount of consultations with author and content creator.
Elite Editing 30: $149.95 up to 30 min of raw audio.
Elite Editing 45: $225.00 for 31 to 45 min of raw audio
Elite Editing 60: $279.95 for 46 up to 60 min of raw audio
Audio Intro or Outro $59.00 per seconds in duration
Individual servicesAudio Intro +(Plus) Outro $99.00 sec in duration Royalty free music selection $20.00 (3rd party propriety)